Fantastic Volunteer Opportunities
Can you help any of these families by volunteering to tutor their children? Before placement you will be required to have blue cards and be approved. Check out these listings now.
Pitch In Opportunities
Travelling tourists provide a fantastic opportunity to help your property and families get ahead. In return for food and lodging or a bit of outback hospitality, volunteers with a range of skills are willing to help out.
Post a Request for Help
Register as a family with Bushed and you can immediately post a request for some volunteer help. Make sure you detail your request as well as possible, you’re selling yourself and your property as a destination.
Our Volunteers Search for Opportunities
Each week we email our growing list of volunteers who are looking for opportunities to meet unique Australians. We send out these emails every Monday at 8pm. Before we send out your request we do a quick check and then approve it so get in early before 8pm to make sure it’s out this next week. We also post requests for help on our Facebook and Instagram pages so we’ll try and get you as much exposure as possible.
Check your inboxes for offers of help.
Our volunteers will connect with you via our website and we’ll email you a notification of the offer of help. Follow up as soon as possible as many of our volunteers will be planning their trips around opportunities like yours.
Register your opportunity now via our Families Registration.