BushED is grateful for the support of Australian Horizons Foundation. Thank You.
Your financial support has helped BushED establish itself and provide valuable educational support to rural and remote Australian families.
“The Board of Australian Horizons Foundation is acutely aware of the plight of children living in rural Australia. Time and distance is challenging, as many living on farms and stations need to travel long distances for school, yet many farm families are struggling with fuel and travel costs. Boarding schools have become out of the reach for many, which was the traditional method, due to costs that are exacerbated in a downturned economy. One of the six main focus areas of the Foundation is education, so we are proud to be able to support BushED as they address the challenges of education in the struggling rural communities!”
Neill Newton

BushEd would like to thank the trustees of Connellan Airways Trust for their support of our music program. The funds will provide 20 students in isolated regions of Australia with subsidised music lessons through our partner Buzz Music.
Families are invited to apply for this music program through the Families Registration page located here.