BushED offers two support services to families in remote and isolated regions of Australia
Bush Education Assistance Program – BEAP
Mothers in Arms
Education – BEAP – Bush Education Assistance Program
This program includes the following support.
Financial Assistance to access events and resources – BushED accepts applications up to $300 per student per annum to assist schooling costs. Funds will be granted if BushED has an allocation available. Applications can be made with inside a Family portal area.
Volunteer Tutoring – Teachers, retired or active or those with a passion for teaching will come and stay on your property and assist your family in the delivery of your children’s education. These volunteers with a life of experience and in many cases teachers or principals for years are passionate about passing on their knowledge. This a a great support for families, especially mums. As a bonus, many of the partners become key farm hands to help with other odd jobs.
Learning Resources – Through partnerships with education resource providers BushED will provide 6 monthly resources to prepare children for their Grade 1 adventure. Items will include books, non IT learning aids, digital resources.
Remote Tutoring – Mainstream Lessons – These lessons conducted via Zoom support families where in person tutors are unavailable or the subject matter is not available through our existing in person volunteer tutors.
Remote Teaching of Music – Through subsidised music lessons, BushED music partner Buzz Music makes lessons available online to families. Application is once again made through the Family Portal.
Music Instruments – Via donations of musical instruments, BushED has a small number of instruments available for loan. Please apply through the Family Portal.
To Apply for BEAP (access to any of these components) for your children – complete a family account application
Parental Support – Mothers In Arms
BushED offers a program called Mothers In Arms which buddies new mums up with experienced mums or grandmothers (who have lived a similar existence) to help them through the early years of motherhood in preparation for home schooling and family life on the property.
To Register for this support service – complete a family account application
To Register to become a Buddy Mum – complete a Buddy Application form